Stool Seat 3D Models for CNC Routing

Attention CNC routing shops and woodworkers! We have a product that we think you'll be interested in: Digital Download Stool Seat 3D Models.

Whether you're looking to make a stool for your house or want to incorporate custom stools into your business, our 3D models are a great solution. They're suitable for use on any CNC routing machine (17.125” W x 15.15” D x 1.6” T), from a Shapeoko XL to an industrial machine.
Our Digital Download Stool Seat 3D Models are custom designed by our team at PDX CNC to ensure the highest quality and unique design. In addition to the 3D files, we also include a guide. These models come with a variety of file types, including:
STEP 3D Model - The most common and flexible 3D CAD file format. Use this to import to other software and create tool paths.
STL 3D Model - Mesh file that can be used for CAM software and 3D Printing
OBJ 3D Model - An alternative 3D solid body 3D model format
Guide including suggested CNC tooling and stock sizes.
But the best part about our Digital Download Stool Seat 3D Models is the endless possibilities for creativity and customization. Imagine being able to design a unique stool seat that perfectly matches your style or the style of your clients.
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